The unique
value of ZZAlpha® stock
ZZAlpha accelerates and protects family wealth by
providing superior stock recommendations using artificial
intelligence. We provide portfolio recommendations for
over 40 market segments to large professional investors. 9
year certified track record.
Improve the odds of investing success
Many ZZAlpha® stock
recommendation portfolios have historic annualized returns
that exceed their benchmarks. Risks have been well behaved*.
We publicly document our performance on this website. We
recommend only liquid, US exchange traded equities.
All recommendations are certified pre-open for full
auditability, and returns are tracked daily for full
Our unique machine learning technique makes those returns and the constrained risks possible. We use only objective facts, and apply a consistent scientific method that re-analyzes the current dynamics of the US markets every night.
Our recommendation portfolios encompass diverse liquidity, economic sector, and capitalization groups. Many of the portfolios can effectively scale for investors with high assets under management. We offer 10 daily recommendations in each portfolio.
Our business is providing effective daily newsletter recommendations to subscribers, using our objective machine learning technique. Those subscribers, or their own trusted representative invests their funds. We do not handle client funds and we do not provide personalized investment advice.
* The machine learning recommendations returns can drop sharply during downturns, but recover more quickly than their benchmarks.
Please contact for further information.
Our unique machine learning technique makes those returns and the constrained risks possible. We use only objective facts, and apply a consistent scientific method that re-analyzes the current dynamics of the US markets every night.
Our recommendation portfolios encompass diverse liquidity, economic sector, and capitalization groups. Many of the portfolios can effectively scale for investors with high assets under management. We offer 10 daily recommendations in each portfolio.
Our business is providing effective daily newsletter recommendations to subscribers, using our objective machine learning technique. Those subscribers, or their own trusted representative invests their funds. We do not handle client funds and we do not provide personalized investment advice.
Professional investors trust ZZAlpha
ZZAlpha LTD. is independent and provides transparency, careful evaluation of risk, consistent methodology, and special expertise. more* The machine learning recommendations returns can drop sharply during downturns, but recover more quickly than their benchmarks.
PAST PERFORMANCE does NOT indicate the probability of similar performance in future market conditions.
Investment in equities involves SUBSTANTIAL RISK and has the potential for partial or complete LOSS of funds invested.
Please contact for further information.
Consistent returns from machine learning.
Daily recommendations for professional